Volunteer Code of Conduct

Last updated: 4 February 2024

1.      Thank you

1.1 Thank you for offering to volunteer for Jenny Rolfe’s campaign.   

1.2 This is the volunteer code for all our volunteers. By signing up to volunteer, you agree to the Code.

2.      Code of conduct

2.1 We ask that you:

(a) act positively and in accordance with the values of the Campaign;

(b) use any Campaign property only as directed by the Campaign and return it when requested;

(c) notify an appropriate person in the Campaign team if you see another volunteer breaching this code or engaging in conduct which puts themselves or others at risk; and

(d) comply with the law at all times.

3.       Volunteer role

3.1 This is a volunteer role. As a volunteer, you acknowledge that you:

(a) are not an employee of the Campaign, and that unless otherwise agreed in writing the work you carry out is provided on a voluntary basis and you won’t be paid for that work;

(b) will only perform the tasks which the Campaign team has asked or authorised you to perform;

(c) will be conscious to ensure that any comments you make about the election or the Campaign are clearly expressed as your own, and not made on behalf of the Campaign.

4.       Insurance

4.1 The Campaign has obtained insurance cover for our volunteers in the unlikely event that you are injured while volunteering. We can provide a copy of this insurance on request, but it seeks to provide some coverage for certain out of pocket medical expenses and lost income.

4.2 Volunteers may not be insured if they (a) are under the influence of drugs or alcohol while undertaking volunteer duties; (b) undertake tasks which are not authorised by the Campaign; (c) engage in criminal activity; or (d) are dishonest or reckless.

5.       Intellectual property

5.1 From time to time you might develop material or content for the Campaign.  You agree that the Campaign can use that material or content in the campaign unless you have advised the Campaign otherwise.

6.       Confidential information

6.1 In the course of your volunteer role, you may be given information which is intended by the Campaign to be kept confidential.   

6.2 Where information is given to you which is identified as confidential or which appears to be confidential, you agree to keep any such information confidential and only use it for the purpose for which it is given to you. You may not use or disclose this information to any person for any other purpose, unless required by law. 

7.      Photo consent

7.1 If you do not want photos of you as a volunteer to be used by the Campaign, then please let us know.

7.2 Unless you otherwise notify us, you agree that photos taken of you whilst volunteering may be used the Campaign, including through our social media channels.  

Contacting us

If you have any questions about this Volunteer Code of Conduct and would like further information, please contact us at volunteers@jennyrolfe.com.au